1.Opening hours (from May 15th, 2023)
Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12pm, except Embassy holidays (http://ch.china-embassy.gov.cn/fra/ls_fw_s_2/tz/202212/t20221215_10991044.htm).
During the opening hours, with the “Pick up form” we issued after submit the document, anyone can come on our opening hours to pick up the Passport / Chinese Travel Document / Notarization / Legalization, no appointment in advance is required. Except for the pickup, appointment is required for all other matter, applicant should send e-mail to bern@csm.mfa.gov.cn to make an appointment.
2. Consular section address
Lombachweg 23, 3006 Bern (on the east side of the southern end of Bomontiweg).
3. Telephone and e-mail consolation of the Consular section
Telephone consultation: 0041 79 130 97 39;
Telephone consultation hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00-12:00, 15:00-17:00 (except published holidays on our Embassy website). Language of Chinese, English, or German are acceptable;
Email: bern@csm.mfa.gov.cn
4. Other information
Embassy only accept Diplomatic, Service, Courtesy visa application, for other visa application, please contact the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Berne:
The opening hours of the Chinese Visa Application Service Center are from Monday to Friday from 9:00-15:00,
telephone consultation: 0041-58 618 89 88; telephone consultation hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:00 (except holidays published holidays on their website);
Website: https://bio.visaforchina.org/BRN2_ZH/;
E-mail consolation: berncenter@visaforchina.org;
Office address: 1st Stock, Murifeld, Weltpoststrasse 5, 3015, Bern.
Other information about require document, fees, download forms, please refer to the notices under the "Consular Services" on our embassy website.
Embassy of People's Republic of China in Switzerland